Indoor Air Quality
A SIP home or commercial building allows for better control over indoor air quality because the airtight building envelope limits incoming air to controlled ventilation. Controlled ventilation filters out contaminants and allergens, and also allows for incoming air to be dehumidified, reducing the possibility for mold growth.
There are a variety of ventilation strategies that can employed to provide fresh air to airtight homes. These vary by climate, but most are relatively inexpensive and operate on automatic control systems without the need for homeowner action.
SIPs do not contain any VOCs or other harmful chemicals that can affect occupant health. The components used to make SIPs (foam, oriented strand board, and adhesive) meet some of the most stringent standards for indoor air quality.
There are a variety of ventilation strategies that can employed to provide fresh air to airtight homes. These vary by climate, but most are relatively inexpensive and operate on automatic control systems without the need for homeowner action.
SIPs do not contain any VOCs or other harmful chemicals that can affect occupant health. The components used to make SIPs (foam, oriented strand board, and adhesive) meet some of the most stringent standards for indoor air quality.
- EPS uses pentane, a non-CFC blowing agent that dissipates shortly after production. EPS has no offgassing and many EPS manufacturers are GREENGUARD certified
- SIP homes have qualified under the American Lung Association’s Health House® indoor air quality standard
- The adhesives used in SIP production do not contain any measurable amounts of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) that can be harmful to occupants
- Oriented strand board (OSB) does not contain urea formaldehyde adhesives and meets the world’s leading formaldehyde emissions standards, including the U.S. HUD Manufactured Housing Standard, the California Air Resources Board (CARB) Air Toxic Control Measure for Composite Wood Products and the European EN-300 Standard
Formaldehyde Emissions and Exemptions
Recent news reports have highlighted concerns over the health effects of formaldehyde and its classification as a carcinogen. This fact sheet from APA—The Engineered Wood Associationaddresses the concerns related to structural wood panels and explains why plywood and OSB manufactured to U.S. Product Standards PS 1 and PS 2 have such low emission levels that they are exempt from the leading formaldehyde emission standards and regulations.
Formaldehyde Regulations and Structural Wood Products
Structural wood products such as plywood and oriented strand board (OSB) are manufactured to meet stringent product standards, including Voluntary Product Standard PS 1-07 for Structural Plywood and Voluntary Product Standard PS 2, Performance Standard for Wood-Based Structural-Use Panels. Because wood products produced under these standards are designed for construction applications governed by building codes, they are manufactured only with moisture-resistant adhesives that meet Exterior or Exposure 1 bond classifications. These adhesives, phenol formaldehyde and diphenylmethane diisocyanate (MDI), are chemically reacted into stable bonds during pressing. The final products have such low formaldehyde emission levels that they easily meet or are exempt from the world’s leading formaldehyde emission standards and regulations:
What is Formaldehyde?
Formaldehyde is a simple chemical made of hydrogen, oxygen, and carbon. It occurs naturally, and is the product of many natural processes. It is made by our bodies and is in the air. Plants and animals also produce formaldehyde. It is in many fruits and vegetables, and is a byproduct of cooking certain vegetables, such as brussel sprouts and cabbage. This chemical breaks down quickly and is metabolized to simple carbon dioxide. Our bodies readily break down the low levels to which we are exposed everyday.
Formaldehyde is also a product from combustion associated with the burning of kerosene and natural gas; automobile emissions; and cigarettes. It is an important industrial chemical used in the manufacture of numerous consumer products, including permanent press fabrics and even toothpaste.
How Much Formaldehyde is in Wood?
All wood species, and therefore all wood products, contain and emit small amounts of formaldehyde. Because formaldehyde occurs naturally in wood, there is no such thing as “formaldehyde-free” wood. An oak tree, for example, emits 0.009 parts per million (ppm) of formaldehyde. By itself, this is a very low quantity, but densely wooded areas can have much higher concentrations. It follows that any wood cut from that oak tree also contains small amounts of formaldehyde, as do all wood products.
For More Information
For more information on formaldehyde and its presence in wood building materials, please refer to the following publications and websites:
Formaldehyde Regulations and Structural Wood Products
Structural wood products such as plywood and oriented strand board (OSB) are manufactured to meet stringent product standards, including Voluntary Product Standard PS 1-07 for Structural Plywood and Voluntary Product Standard PS 2, Performance Standard for Wood-Based Structural-Use Panels. Because wood products produced under these standards are designed for construction applications governed by building codes, they are manufactured only with moisture-resistant adhesives that meet Exterior or Exposure 1 bond classifications. These adhesives, phenol formaldehyde and diphenylmethane diisocyanate (MDI), are chemically reacted into stable bonds during pressing. The final products have such low formaldehyde emission levels that they easily meet or are exempt from the world’s leading formaldehyde emission standards and regulations:
- U.S. HUD Manufactured Housing Standard. This standard specifies a 0.20 ppm emission limit for (non-structural) plywood using the ASTM E1333 method. Because of its extremely low formaldehyde emission levels, phenolic-bonded structural plywood is exempt from the testing and certification requirements of the standard. While there is no specific limit stated for OSB, it has been well accepted that the stated exemption for panels that use phenolic adhesives is applicable to OSB products meeting Voluntary Product Standard PS 2.
- California Air Resources Board (CARB) Air Toxic Control Measure for Composite Wood Products.This regulation, developed by a division of the California EPA and scheduled to take effect January 1, 2009, is considered the most stringent formaldehyde emissions regulation in the United States. In recognition of the different formaldehyde emission levels of different types of wood products, definition No. 8 of the regulation explicitly exempts “structural plywood,” “structural panels,” “structural composite lumber,” “oriented strand board,” “glued laminated timber,” and “prefabricated wood I-joists.”
- Under the Japanese Agricultural Standards (JAS), panels meeting the most stringent formaldehyde requirements (F★★★★) are required, using test method JIS A 1460, to have average emission levels below 0.30 mg/l. PS 1 and PS 2 panels easily meet F★★★★ requirements. This formaldehyde regulation for wood panels is widely considered the most stringent in the world.
- OSB panels sold into European markets must meet the EN 300 standard and be rated for formaldehyde emissions based on the EN-717-1 test method using a formaldehyde test chamber. Structural plywood sold into Europe must meet EN 636 and be evaluated for formaldehyde based on EN 717-1. Structural plywood and OSB manufactured in accordance with PS 1 and PS 2 panels easily meet the E-1 formaldehyde emission limits of 0.124 mg/m3 in these standards.
What is Formaldehyde?
Formaldehyde is a simple chemical made of hydrogen, oxygen, and carbon. It occurs naturally, and is the product of many natural processes. It is made by our bodies and is in the air. Plants and animals also produce formaldehyde. It is in many fruits and vegetables, and is a byproduct of cooking certain vegetables, such as brussel sprouts and cabbage. This chemical breaks down quickly and is metabolized to simple carbon dioxide. Our bodies readily break down the low levels to which we are exposed everyday.
Formaldehyde is also a product from combustion associated with the burning of kerosene and natural gas; automobile emissions; and cigarettes. It is an important industrial chemical used in the manufacture of numerous consumer products, including permanent press fabrics and even toothpaste.
How Much Formaldehyde is in Wood?
All wood species, and therefore all wood products, contain and emit small amounts of formaldehyde. Because formaldehyde occurs naturally in wood, there is no such thing as “formaldehyde-free” wood. An oak tree, for example, emits 0.009 parts per million (ppm) of formaldehyde. By itself, this is a very low quantity, but densely wooded areas can have much higher concentrations. It follows that any wood cut from that oak tree also contains small amounts of formaldehyde, as do all wood products.
For More Information
For more information on formaldehyde and its presence in wood building materials, please refer to the following publications and websites:
- Wood Facts: Formaldehyde Emissions and Exemptions, Form J330
- APA Technical Report: Structural Wood Panels and Formaldehyde, From SPE-1040
- APA Product Advisory: Imported Hardwood Plywood vs. Domestic PS 1, Form SP-1136
- APA Testing of Formaldehyde Emissions from Imported Hardwood Concrete Form Plywood (APA White Paper)
- California Air Resources Board
- U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
- National Safety Council
- Formaldehyde Facts (American Chemistry Council)
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Expanded Polystyrene Flame Retardants
The following information is provided by the EPS Industry Alliance.
Flame retardants (FRs) play a crucial role in protecting homes, hospitals, schools and other buildings from the life threatening consequences of fire. In 2010, 482,000 building fires occurred in the U.S. injuring 15,420 civilians and resulting in $9.7 billion in property damage.1
In order to reduce the risk of fires and meet building and consumer protection codes, FRs are incorporated into many building and commercial products to accomplish one or more of the following functions:
The primary flame retardant currently used in EPS foam insulation is HBCD. Hexabromocyclododecane (HBCD) is an additive flame retardant that promotes increased fire resistance in EPS building and construction applications. This allows EPS foam insulation to meet the stringent fire safety requirements governed by the International Code Council and National Building Code of Canada, providing increased protection to buildings and building occupants. HBCD has also been used as a flame retardant in solid plastics such as high impact polystyrene and in carpets, upholstery and other textiles.
EPS Flame Retardant Advancement
In response to ongoing questions about the ecological safety of HBCD, the chemical industry has announced the development of an innovative flame retardant (FR) that is a suitable alternative for use in expanded polystyrene (EPS) foam. The process to transition to the new FR is currently underway but will take time to be fully implemented.
The new flame retardant is a polymeric compound, designed to deliver ease of substitution in existing EPS production technologies without compromising fire safety performance at similar load levels. The announcement is just the beginning of a transition process that will proceed with great care to assure that this new flame retardant performs just as well or better than HBCD in accordance with ASTM C578 and CAN S701 physical properties and U.S./Canadian building code fire safety requirements. This process is the result of ongoing collaboration among key stakeholders and government agencies to identify and implement alternative flame retardants that meet the following criteria:
The EPS industry is currently developing a test program to ensure the new fire retardant complies with U.S. and Canadian building code fire performance requirements for EPS building applications. Once commercial quantities become available to the EPS molder community, in‐house testing and quality control measures will continue to be verified via independent, third‐party certification programs.
Scientific Inventory
HBCD is just one of over 550 compounds currently being evaluated by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Environment Canada and the European Union. This has spurred increased interest from the research community to investigate further, resulting in hundreds of studies on a variety of flame retardants, including HBCD.
EPS‐IA evaluated more than ten (10) different studies on HBCD published between 2008–2011 in which several consistent themes and conclusions prevail.
HBCD Exposure Pathways Are Undetermined
Although trace amounts of flame retardants have been found in remote geographic regions, human tissue and consumer food products, the source of these flame retardants remains unclear. While the discovery of even small amounts of HBCD in the environment does raise questions as to how to prevent any further exposure, the science indicates that the concentrations are well below thresholds that would present a health risk.
HBCD Detection Levels Miniscule
Environment Canada completed a thorough risk assessment and found that HBCD is not entering the environment in a quantity or under conditions that constitute a risk to human health.2 This determination is further supported by the European Chemicals Agency’s conclusion that HBCD presents no risk to consumers or the general public.3
EPS Insulation Not Linked to HBCD Levels
Recent studies have supported the fact that EPS insulation is not a significant source of HBCD. Specifically, the study found high correlation between detectable levels of HBCD and the number of televisions and electronic devices present in the test areas suggesting that in‐place EPS insulation is not a source of HBCD in the indoor environment.4
Because the scientific community has not yet been able to identify verifiable exposure pathways to explain the appearance of HBCD in remote geographical locations, it is prudent to embark on the transition to the new FR. This move is another step along the EPS industry’s path to increase energy efficiency and promote environmental stewardship.
Regulatory Action
The EPS Industry Alliance has been and will continue to work closely with the U.S. EPA and Environment Canada
in their efforts to develop guidelines and regulations regarding HBCD. Although the U.S. EPA has not yet initiated any formal regulatory action for HBCD use in EPS, it has released a Chemical Action Plan to evaluate HBCD and then determine its course of action for any future regulation of this chemical. As part of that process, a Design for Environment (DfE) task group has been formed to examine next generation flame retardants that would serve as suitable replacements for HBCD in polystyrene foam insulation and the EPA has issued a Significant New Use Rule for HBCD use in textiles.
EPS‐ IA is likewise engaged with the Canadian government’s Risk Assessment and Risk Management plan for HBCD. Key information and industry input have been provided to Health Canada and Environment Canada to ensure adequate time is provided for a smooth transition to an alternative flame retardant.
1. Fire Loss in the United States During 2010, by Michael J. Kartner, Jr., NFPA, Quincy, MA.
2. Environment Canada Screening Assessment on HBCD, CAS Reg. No. 3194‐55‐6, November 2011
3. European Commission Risk Assessment Report on HBCD, CAS Reg. No. 25637‐99‐4, EINECS No.: 247‐148‐4, May 2008
4. Tri‐decabrominated diphenyl ethers and hexabromocyclododecane in indoor air and dust from Stockholm microenvironments 2: Indoor sources and human exposure, de Wit et. Al., Environment International, November 2011
Flame retardants (FRs) play a crucial role in protecting homes, hospitals, schools and other buildings from the life threatening consequences of fire. In 2010, 482,000 building fires occurred in the U.S. injuring 15,420 civilians and resulting in $9.7 billion in property damage.1
In order to reduce the risk of fires and meet building and consumer protection codes, FRs are incorporated into many building and commercial products to accomplish one or more of the following functions:
- Raise the ignition temperature;
- Reduce the rate of burning;
- Reduce flame spread; or
- Reduce smoke generation.
The primary flame retardant currently used in EPS foam insulation is HBCD. Hexabromocyclododecane (HBCD) is an additive flame retardant that promotes increased fire resistance in EPS building and construction applications. This allows EPS foam insulation to meet the stringent fire safety requirements governed by the International Code Council and National Building Code of Canada, providing increased protection to buildings and building occupants. HBCD has also been used as a flame retardant in solid plastics such as high impact polystyrene and in carpets, upholstery and other textiles.
EPS Flame Retardant Advancement
In response to ongoing questions about the ecological safety of HBCD, the chemical industry has announced the development of an innovative flame retardant (FR) that is a suitable alternative for use in expanded polystyrene (EPS) foam. The process to transition to the new FR is currently underway but will take time to be fully implemented.
The new flame retardant is a polymeric compound, designed to deliver ease of substitution in existing EPS production technologies without compromising fire safety performance at similar load levels. The announcement is just the beginning of a transition process that will proceed with great care to assure that this new flame retardant performs just as well or better than HBCD in accordance with ASTM C578 and CAN S701 physical properties and U.S./Canadian building code fire safety requirements. This process is the result of ongoing collaboration among key stakeholders and government agencies to identify and implement alternative flame retardants that meet the following criteria:
- Provide equal flame retardancy;
- Result in equal performance and physical properties;
- Maintain cost‐effectiveness; and
- Offer compatibility with existing manufacturing processes.
The EPS industry is currently developing a test program to ensure the new fire retardant complies with U.S. and Canadian building code fire performance requirements for EPS building applications. Once commercial quantities become available to the EPS molder community, in‐house testing and quality control measures will continue to be verified via independent, third‐party certification programs.
Scientific Inventory
HBCD is just one of over 550 compounds currently being evaluated by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Environment Canada and the European Union. This has spurred increased interest from the research community to investigate further, resulting in hundreds of studies on a variety of flame retardants, including HBCD.
EPS‐IA evaluated more than ten (10) different studies on HBCD published between 2008–2011 in which several consistent themes and conclusions prevail.
HBCD Exposure Pathways Are Undetermined
Although trace amounts of flame retardants have been found in remote geographic regions, human tissue and consumer food products, the source of these flame retardants remains unclear. While the discovery of even small amounts of HBCD in the environment does raise questions as to how to prevent any further exposure, the science indicates that the concentrations are well below thresholds that would present a health risk.
HBCD Detection Levels Miniscule
Environment Canada completed a thorough risk assessment and found that HBCD is not entering the environment in a quantity or under conditions that constitute a risk to human health.2 This determination is further supported by the European Chemicals Agency’s conclusion that HBCD presents no risk to consumers or the general public.3
EPS Insulation Not Linked to HBCD Levels
Recent studies have supported the fact that EPS insulation is not a significant source of HBCD. Specifically, the study found high correlation between detectable levels of HBCD and the number of televisions and electronic devices present in the test areas suggesting that in‐place EPS insulation is not a source of HBCD in the indoor environment.4
Because the scientific community has not yet been able to identify verifiable exposure pathways to explain the appearance of HBCD in remote geographical locations, it is prudent to embark on the transition to the new FR. This move is another step along the EPS industry’s path to increase energy efficiency and promote environmental stewardship.
Regulatory Action
The EPS Industry Alliance has been and will continue to work closely with the U.S. EPA and Environment Canada
in their efforts to develop guidelines and regulations regarding HBCD. Although the U.S. EPA has not yet initiated any formal regulatory action for HBCD use in EPS, it has released a Chemical Action Plan to evaluate HBCD and then determine its course of action for any future regulation of this chemical. As part of that process, a Design for Environment (DfE) task group has been formed to examine next generation flame retardants that would serve as suitable replacements for HBCD in polystyrene foam insulation and the EPA has issued a Significant New Use Rule for HBCD use in textiles.
EPS‐ IA is likewise engaged with the Canadian government’s Risk Assessment and Risk Management plan for HBCD. Key information and industry input have been provided to Health Canada and Environment Canada to ensure adequate time is provided for a smooth transition to an alternative flame retardant.
1. Fire Loss in the United States During 2010, by Michael J. Kartner, Jr., NFPA, Quincy, MA.
2. Environment Canada Screening Assessment on HBCD, CAS Reg. No. 3194‐55‐6, November 2011
3. European Commission Risk Assessment Report on HBCD, CAS Reg. No. 25637‐99‐4, EINECS No.: 247‐148‐4, May 2008
4. Tri‐decabrominated diphenyl ethers and hexabromocyclododecane in indoor air and dust from Stockholm microenvironments 2: Indoor sources and human exposure, de Wit et. Al., Environment International, November 2011